Back to School FAQs


Besides the Ice Cream Social on 8/21, will there be another opportunity for students to peek into the school?  

No, there is not another welcome event.  However, 6th graders will have the entire school to themselves on the first day of school, with lots of support from staff to have questions answered.

What if we can’t come during our assigned time?

If the assigned time slot doesn’t work, feel free to come anytime that works best for your family.


Can I walk my child to his/her class on the first day of school?

Middle school is a time when students are ready to be more independent. Parents are not allowed to walk through the building to their child’s classes.. Please take your first day of school pictures at home as the parking lot will be quite crowded.

What does my 6th grader need to bring for the first day of school?

  • Tightly sealed reusable water bottle

  • Sack lunch (if you are not getting a school lunch)

  • Pen or pencil

Where does my 6th grader go on the first day?

WEB leaders, the 8th grade leadership group (Where Everyone Belongs), will direct students where to go on the first day.  Relax, it works out! We provide a lot of flexibility and patience with our 6th graders on the first day of school.

What should my child bring to PE on the first day?

Students do not need to bring anything to PE on the first day. During the year, students do not need to ‘dress down’ for PE. On days they have PE, they should wear comfortable clothing with sneakers.

Should my student bring locker supplies on the first day?

No, lockers will not be assigned the first day of school.  Students are encouraged to use their lockers for a few days before bringing in any locker supplies. This gives students an opportunity to see how much space their backpacks and supplies will use in the locker. Students will be informed during the first week of school when lockers will be available. 

When do students bring supplies? On the first day? Do items need to be labeled?

6th graders only need to bring a pencil, a sack lunch (if they are not getting a school lunch) & a water bottle on their first day. 

All students should bring the necessary school supplies on Wednesday, August 28th.

The two-inch binder will hold all the smaller individual supplies for students, including their notebooks, so they will always have everything they need at hand. Labeling the binder & notebooks is essential.


What are the school hours?

9:30am-4:05pm. Students should arrive no earlier than 9:00 am and plan to depart by 4:10 pm, unless in a prearranged meeting with a teacher or school-sponsored club. Staff supervision is not provided before or after those times.

The cafeteria will open for breakfast at 9:00 am.

What will the new block schedule look like?

Glad you asked! Here is a great visual of the building schedule for this school year.

What is the school’s main phone line?

503-356-2720.  We are often confused with Tumwater Middle School in Washington state and the TumWata Middle School in Oregon City, so please ensure you have the correct number in your contacts.

What is the attendance line?

503-356-2721.  Please have your student’s ID number handy before leaving your message. 

Parents/Guardians have the ability to report their student’s absence(s) in ParentVUE. This applies to Excused, full day absences only. Partial day absences or absences that occurred in the past cannot be reported through ParentVUE, and must be reported directly to your school's office.

Where do I drop off my child's medications?

Medications should be dropped off in the main office. Information about medication policies can be found at

When will lockers be assigned? 

Lockers will be assigned within the first two weeks of school.

Will the 6th-grade lockers be on the second floor?

The school assigns student lockers near their classes. Most 6th grade core classes are located in Upper C Hall, so 6th graders are assigned lockers in Upper C.

How much passing time do kids have between classes?

Four minutes.


Will lunch be free again?

Breakfast and lunch is once again free for all students. This includes an entree, veggies, fruit, and water. Milk and additional entrees are not free and need to be paid for.

Are there multiple lunch periods?

There are three lunch periods, one for each grade, that last 30 minutes each.  Students have lunch with students in their own grade.

What do I do if my child forgets their lunch?

You may drop it off at the front office and students can check the office during their lunch time. The school does not accept food deliveries for students from restaurants or delivery services. It may be helpful for you to email your student that you've dropped the item off and it's ready for them to pick up. Lunches are also free to all students this year so students who forget lunch from home may eat school lunch.

Are there vending machines available for students?



We didn’t get assigned a bus.  Can I request bus service?

Head HERE to get updated info on requesting bus service.

What if our afternoon transportation plans change?

Sometimes afternoon transportation plans change during the day and you may need to notify your child of the change. If this happens, please call the office by 3:20 pm so we have ample time to get the message to your student before dismissal. Also, if your student is traveling home on their non-assigned bus route with another student, they need to bring a note from home, signed by a parent 

Can my child go home with another student on their bus?

If your student is riding a bus home with another student, please send a note with your student to school. They should turn it into the office and will receive a temporary bus pass from office staff. This is for one-time exceptions, not a regular transportation plan. 

Can kids bring their bikes on the school bus (so ride their bike one way and take the bus the other?)

No, bikes are not allowed on school buses.

Can children take the bus some days, and not on others?

Yes, students may ride their assigned bus on whatever days they wish.

Do they need to report to anyone if they won't be taking the bus one day?


Can I park in the “carpool” parking spots near the front of the school?

No, those are meant for staff carpools. Please use the drop off zone marked by the yellow curb.

My child is a little nervous about taking the bus, any tips?

The drivers are very patient and prepared to help students get acclimated at the beginning of the year. We suggest having your student ride the bus as early in the year as possible, ideally on their first day, so they can get comfortable with the new routine at the same time as everyone else. 


How do I volunteer at TMS?

This summer the Beaverton School District implemented a new volunteer management system. As a result ALL volunteers must REAPPLY to volunteer in the Beaverton School District.

Start on the Volunteer webpage on the district website. The entire application process — including the review of the Child Abuse Prevention & Reporting and Adult Sexual Misconduct training materials — should take less than 10 minutes to complete.

Thank you for prioritizing our students’ safety and for your willingness to volunteer in BSD.

Once you receive your email from Raptor, indicating that you have passed the background check, please follow the guidance provided below to update your account and sign up for volunteer opportunities. 

** Please note, each time you volunteer (i.e. interact with BSD students during school hours) you will need to check in at the Raptor kiosk. All visitors will be required to sign in at the kiosk using a government issued ID. A badge will then be printed with your name, photo, date and identify you as a visitor or volunteer. Visitors and volunteers are also required to check out before leaving the building.

Using Raptor Volunteer Portal

The Volunteer Portal allows volunteers to easily manage their volunteer activities—sign up for events, track hours, view and update their profile, change their password, and communicate with other volunteers. Upon approval as a volunteer, you will be sent an email providing instructions to access the portal. Check out this handout for guidance and screenshots!

Access Raptor Volunteer Portal

  • Locate your volunteer approval email and click the link to access the Volunteer Portal.

  • Create a new password and then log in with your email address and new password.

  • Bookmark the Raptor Volunteer Portal website for future access.

View your volunteer hours

  • Click the Hours tab and view a history of the hours you’ve volunteered.

  • Click Details to view specific information about the logged hours.

  • Click Add Hours to report the hours you worked and optionally associate them to an event.

Manage your events

  • Click the Events tab to view upcoming events.

  • Click Details to view specific information about an event.

Email other volunteers

  • Click the Community tab and select the volunteers you want to email.

  • Create the email and click Send.

Allow other volunteers to contact you

Click the Preferences tab to specify how other volunteers can contact you.

Change your password

  • Click Profile and select Change Password, as needed.

When I volunteer / visit the school, can I login and logout using the Raptor app?

As of now, Raptor has not developed an app for these purposes. As such, all visitors and volunteers must check in at the Raptor kiosk in the school’s front office. 


What is the student cell phone policy?

To keep the focus on academics and to reduce unnecessary distractions, we ask that all TMS students keep their cell phones off and away from 9:30 am - 4:05  pm each day.  If a student's cell phone is in use and/or is out (on desk, in hand, etc), the student will be directed to the office where the phone will be kept for the rest of the school day. Office staff will give the student a receipt for the phone and place it in a locked location. At dismissal time, the student will turn in the receipt in order to pick up their phone from the office. Parents/guardians will be notified for repeated patterns of behavior.

Is Tumwater a closed campus?

Yes.  Students are required to stay on campus for the duration of the school day.

How do I deliver something my child has forgotten at home?

You may bring the item to the office. To avoid disrupting classroom learning, items will not be delivered to the classroom, but ask that students check in the office during passing periods or their lunch/recess if they're expecting a notebook, lunch etc. It may be helpful for you to email your student that you've dropped the item off and it's ready for them to pick up.

How can I pick up my child early?

Please send a note to school with your student. They should show it to their teacher or lunch/recess supervisor and will be sent to the office. A parent/guardian will need to check them out of the office.  It is easiest if the parent picking up knows their child’s student ID number.


Do students need a planner to keep track of assignments?

Each student will receive a student paper planner, paid for by the Tumwater PTO.

What is Advisory?

Your child will be assigned an Advisory teacher and this group will meet on a regular basis. Each advisory has between 20-24 students.  Students stay with their Advisory teacher and student cohort for three years. 

During Advisories, teachers will spend time building the class community, learning more about working together as a larger school community, participating in mini lessons that directly support technology integration, practicing executive functioning skills necessary for school success, as well as engaging in social emotional learning. This year, BSD is implementing Character Strong as the Advisory Curriculum.

I believe my child is ahead of grade level in math. How will you accommodate his/her needs?

Please contact your child's counselor for information about math placement. Your child's math teacher can address any questions about differentiation within a course.

Is there a plan to reduce tech use in the classrooms? 

Each teacher thoughtfully plans units and lessons that provide students opportunities to learn, develop skills, and demonstrate their learning in multiple ways. When technology can be a useful tool, teachers may include it in their lessons.


Do kids bring clothes/shoes to change into every day?

Every student has the option to change their shoes/clothes for PE, however it is not required. Students are encouraged to wear shoes that are conducive to various fitness activities.

Can they shower after PE?


Can PE be any time during the day or is it mainly at the end of the day?

PE classes are evenly distributed throughout the day. There are an average of 3 PE classes meeting during each period.


Who do I call if I need to talk with my child while at school?

This should occur infrequently. Please call the main office.


How often will I hear from the school?

School newsletters are published every other week. Teachers will communicate through Canvas (assignments and feedback), ParentSquare (usually general information), ParentVue (grades), and email (individual correspondence). You're encouraged to follow the school on social media too (@tumwatermiddleschool)

Does the school or PTO have social media?

Yes, you can follow Tumwater Middle School (@tumwatermiddleschool) and Tumwater PTO (@tumwaterpto) on Facebook and Instagram.

How do I subscribe to Tumwater PTO’s blog?

Head to and sign-up on the front page. You will receive an email around 5pm on the day a blog post is published.

What is the difference between Parentview, Parentsquare & Canvas?

  • ParentVUE is a web portal that allows parents/guardians to access real-time information related to their students, including attendance, calendars, course history, emergency contacts, grade Book information, report cards, schedules, and school information. It is also used each fall to verify student enrollment information.  Access to ParentVUE requires a username and password, which parents/guardians set up with an Activation Key code. If you have questions or would like assistance with ParentVUE, please contact our registrar at 503-356-2731. Learn more about ParentVUE and StudentVUE here.

  • Canvas is used by middle and high school teachers as an extension to in-class instruction. Teachers use Canvas to post assignments, give feedback, and communicate with students. Students use Canvas to access lessons assignments, manage their time using the calendar feature, submit work, and receive feedback on completed work. Parent/guardian Log In ID and password are the same as ParentVue. Directions, informational videos, and FAQs can be found here.

  • ParentSquare is BSD’s communication tool that allows staff, students, and families to connect. You can choose to receive messages from the district and school via email, text or app notification. You can also choose whether to receive the information as it comes or all at once at 6 pm daily. It allows you to communicate in your preferred language and direct message teachers and staff. Learn more here.


When do after school clubs begin?

Clubs are driven by student interest and require a staff advisor.  After school activity transportation is provided by a BEF Grant that is typically awarded in mid-October. Clubs won’t begin until the end of October/beginning of November. Clubs may request volunteers as the need arises.Club information will be shared with students during the school day and with families in the school newsletter.

Are there local basketball, soccer and baseball leagues that most of the kids utilize since there isn't a middle school team? Is there a comprehensive list of all extracurricular activities (ie, clubs, sports, programs offered by non-school affiliated groups, etc)?

The range of competitive and recreation sports leagues/clubs in this area is intimidating. THPRD has a comprehensive list of local recreation sports clubs in the area. However, this list does not include the many competitive clubs in the area.

Here is a brief list of some (emphasis on some) youth recreation sporting organizations that include Tumwater within their boundaries:

  • THPRD Middle School Cross Country

  • Cedar Mill Little League (baseball)

  • Willow Creek Little League (softball)

  • Sunset Junior Baseball

  • THPRD Winter Basketball Program

  • Sunset Youth Football

  • Sunset Youth Lacrosse

  • Milltown United Soccer

  • THPRD Middle School Track & Field

  • Sunset Youth Cheer

  • Sunset Youth Basketball (boys & girls)

  • THPRD Volleyball league (boys & girls)

  • Rugby Oregon


What academic competitions are organized by Tumwater?

Academic competitions are divided into two categories: school sponsored and school affiliated.

School Sponsored: The school anticipates there will be five academic competitions that are sponsored by the school and take place during the school day or as an after-school activity:

  • AMC-8:- a 25-question, 40-minute, multiple choice examination in middle school mathematics designed to promote the development of problem-solving skills. 7th & 8th grade students who pre-register take the exam during the school day in mid-January. More information about registering will be shared by math teachers.

  • MathCounts

  • Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB)

  • Science Bowl

  • Scripps Spelling Bee

  • ***Note that after 33 years, The National Geographic Bee has been permanently discontinued.

School Affiliated: The International Academic Competitions require an affiliation with a school. TMS will register as an IAC sponsor and will proctor the qualifying exams for the following competitions. These are free 20-minute exams that will be offered during student lunches. Students will need to pre-register with the school in order to attend these exam sessions. If students qualify for the Regional or National competitions, the registration fees are paid by the family of the qualifying student, not the school.

  • National History Bee Qualifying Exam

  • International Geographic Bee/US National Championships Qualifying Exam

  • National Science Bee - Qualifying Exam

  • Science Olympiad is open to students who want to compete individually or on a team of 10-15 students from the same school. Tumwater does not organize, register, coach, host, or sponsor Science Olympiad teams. Teams meet off campus under the guidance of someone other than school staff. The school Registrar serves as a staff liaison to communicate between the team and Tumwater. Learn more by visiting


Will parents have more access to teachers this year? (Ie: parent teacher conferences, back to school night/meet the teacher type setting).

The partnership of parents/guardians and teachers is instrumental in a child's success. The school will follow district health guidelines and protocols. While mask wearing is encouraged at group events, at this time the school is planning for in-person events this fall including the Ice Cream Welcome Social, Back-to-School Night, and Family-Teacher Conferences. We welcome volunteers in our classrooms, library media center, and school events.

How can I become involved?

Check out Tumwater PTO at